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Android Development

Android Fragments

Stuttgart Media University

1 Agenda

  • Fragment Implementation
  • Fragment Lifecycle
  • Changing Fragments in Code
  • Navigation in Compose
  • Assignment 3

2 Fragment Basics

  • Component introduced in Android 3.0 (API level 11)
  • Multiple Fragments can be combined in one Activity
  • Each Fragment defines a part of the UI in an Activity and must be embedded in an Activity
  • The lifecycle of a Fragment is directly dependent on the Activity's lifecycle
  • But: Fragments can be independently manipulated (e.g. added or removed)
  • The Layout is defined in a layout.xml, the implementation in a class derived from the class Fragment

2.1 Fragment View Layout

  • Two Fragments can be contained in one Activity (left) or in separate Activities (right)


2.2 Fragment View Layout

  • Example Activity Layout with two Fragments
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="horizontal" >
        android:layout_height="match_parent" />
        android:layout_height="match_parent" />

2.3 Fragment Implementation

  • Create a subclass of Fragment
class ExampleDetailFragment : Fragment() {
    override fun onCreateView(
        inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
        savedInstanceState: Bundle?
    ): View {
        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.detail_fragment, container, false)
  • And implement onCreateView() returning the View that will be embedded in the surrounding Activity
  • LayoutInflater loads XML based layouts and creates View hierarchy

2.4 Fragment Lifecycle

Fragments exist in three states when started:

  • Resumed: Fragment is visible and running
  • Paused: Another Activity is in the foreground and has focus but the Fragment is still visible
  • Stopped: Fragment is not visible but still alive. Either Activity has been stopped or Fragment removed

The lifecycle of the Activity directly affects the lifecycle of the Fragment


3 Fragment Lifecycle

Fragment specific lifecycle callbacks are:

  • onAttach(): called when is added to Activity
  • onCreateView(): creates the view hierarchy of the Fragment
  • onActivityCreated(): called when Activity's onCreate() method returned
  • onDestroyView(): called when view hierarchy of Fragment is removed
  • onDetach(): called when Fragment is disassociated with Activity


4 FragmentManager

  • Instead of defining a fragment for an activity in the layout file, it can be added during runtime
  • The FragmentManager class is used to create a FragmentTransaction
    • Provides APIs to add, remove and replace fragments
    • Call commit() when ready to make changes
  • Fragments must have a container view in the layout. Read more: Fragment Manager

4.1 Loading Fragments dynamically

val newFragment = ArticleFragment()
val transaction = supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()

/* Replace whatever is in the fragment_container view with this fragment,
and add the transaction to the back stack so the user can navigate back */
transaction.replace(, newFragment)

// Commit the transaction
  • Modern Jetpack Compose applications prefer the usage of the navigation component.
  • So first you have to introduce a navigation controller to hold the navigation graph
  • Second you have to implement a NavHost to build the navigation graph

Please see the following example:

fun MovieTracker() {
    //navController holds the navigation graph
    val navController: NavHostController = rememberNavController()

    MovieTrackerNavHost(navController = navController)

fun MovieTrackerNavHost(navController: NavHostController) {
    //NavHost builds the navigation graph
    NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = homeScreen) {
        composable(homeScreen) {
                onSearchClick = {
        composable(searchScreen) {
                onMovieClick = { currentMovie: Movie ->

6 Android Assignment 3

7 Summary

  • Fragments are a good way to create flexible user interfaces
  • They encapsulate a UI-Controller for an logical part of the UI. This simplifies component oriented UI programming on Android
  • They can be statically added to layout files for different device types and also be used dynamically to change the UI corresponding to changes of the devices screen

8 Recap Questions

  • When would you use a Fragment and when only an Activity?
  • When dynamically replacing a Fragment, what is required in the layout? Try to replace a Fragment dynamically.
  • Why do you have to call commit, when dynamically changing fragments?
  • When accessing a view component that is added in one Fragment from another Fragment, what do you have to consider concerning the lifecycle?
  • Which methods are "safe" to access view components from?
